Articles by Roland Clarke
- Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?
- Is God beautiful?
- Jesus, the Son of God
- Save the Children
- Beyond Breakthrough
- What causes us to seek God?
- Contagious Coronavirus: Fear and Hope
- Wake-up call
- Light of the world
- Reflections on aurora borealis and the solar eclipse
- Look on the bright side
- Meditation on Light
- What does the rainbow signify?
- A closer look at the rainbow
- How shall we escape?
- Mercy triumphs over judgment
- Stop the hate
- The Path of Righteousness
- Is God/Allah Mighty to Save?
- Lost and Found
- Life’s Great Riddle: A Heart for Eternity
- Pondering a Paradoxical Proverb
- It's a mystery
- Politically Correct Dialog?
- Wounds from a sincere friend are better ...
- A Dialog about the One True God
- Fish tank parable illustrating God's power to save
- Loving God
- Singing the Praises of God
- Rejoice and Welcome the King!
- Signposts to Paradise
- The Biblical God Is Almighty, But Was He Strong Enough to Rescue Jesus from Being Crucified?
- Is there Only One Savior God?
- God Our Savior And Protector
- From Poison Save Us
- God of Comfort
- Christmas: Controversy or Consensus
- Lighting Up The Darkness
- Saviour: A Beautiful Name of God
- Heartfelt Fasting and Repentance
- Eid ul Adha: The Christmas Connection
- Pondering similarities between Eid and Passover
- Salvation and Sacrifice
- Hospitality in Heaven: Feasting in Paradise
- Peace and Hospitality
- Joseph: From Prison to Prominence
- The Mystery of Abraham's Sacrifice
- God's Peace Plan
- Any Hope of Peace?
- Messiah the Peacemaker
- Converging Destinies: Jerusalem, Peace and the Messiah
- Who/What is ultimately responsible for tsunamis?
- So-called Doomsday Asteroids
- Doomsday Asteroid, Devil Rock and bright Morning Star
- Nearing the End?
- Reflecting on 2014
- Homeward Bound
- Timeless Truth Encrypted in Ancient Wisdom
- Is Death the End?
- Solomon and Jesus: Eternity & Immortality
- Facing Our Common Foe
- Winning the War (against Satan)
- The Cornerstone: Muhammad or Jesus?
- A Longstanding Violent Legacy
- Apostasy and Freedom
- Proclaim Freedom
- Persian Protests, Prophecy and Proverbs
- Unity, Ummah and Peace
- When Nations Shake: A Prophetic Perspective
- Are Diabolical Forces Undermining Egypt?
- Persecution: Sign of the Times
- Their Blood Cries Out
- What Defames Islam?
- Mockery & Honor: Muhammad and Jesus
- Escalating Ramadan Death Toll
- Surah 18:50 & 1 John 3: God's Children and the Devil's
- “Allah hu akbar” – God is the Greatest
- Is God Able to Humble the Haughty? (Al Mudhill)
Articles for Christian readers
- A Heart for Eternity
- Impossible Breakthrough
- Living water for Yezidis
- Serpent to Savior
- Redemptive Riddle: Snake on a pole
- Journey to Jesus: Storying the Bible
- Following the Star
- The Color of Love
- Shine your light and let the whole world see
- Sharing the gospel using star imagery
- Mighty to Save
- God our Savior, Redeemer
- Simply Share the Gospel
- Practical ideas to shine the light during Christmas
- User guide to Light of the World pamphlet
- Salt and Light
- Sunset or ... [Page 1]
- User Guide to Sunrise Pamphlet
- How beautiful on the mountains are the feet ... (Isaiah 52:7)
- Meditating on Mortality in Melody
- The rich man and Lazarus
- A child shall lead them
- Give thanks in all circumstances
- Who can overpower Satan and release his captives?
- Reluctant Messengers
- Numbers 33:55-56 > Jeremiah 1:17 > Jonah > Acts 1:8
- Psalm 78: Wrath and Redemption
- Human defiance enhances God's glory
- God is Hospitable: Shouldn't we be too?
- Does God love foreigners?
- How I broached a touchy topic with a Muslim friend
- “Anti-hate” protests point the way to peace
- Introducing a new book entitled, "What every Christian needs to know about sharing the Gospel with Muslims."
- What every Christian needs to know about sharing the Gospel with Muslims
- Muslim risks his life shielding Christians from terrorists
- Salah a modern martyr
- Persecuted yet Blessed
- Childlike Humility: key to entering heaven
- Humility
- Hug a Muslim?
- My life story (by David Foster)